You’d think just about anything could be hidden in the mess, but when I organized my bathroom closet, I actually found something amazing! Unfortunately, it wasn’t something like a missing diamond ring or a priceless antique. The amazing thing I found was SO MUCH MORE ROOM!
It’s truly amazing how much I stuffed into that little closet! It had sort of become the place to toss anything that didn’t have its own spot. Or to hide anything I didn’t know what to do with. Or to hide lots of things I was actually looking for!
I organized my bathroom closet because THIS:

Good grief! This is embarrassing and terrifying, but I’m showing it to you because reality is reality right? And I had had it up to here with the mess, and not being able to find anything. I actually didn’t know I had six – count em, 6! – brand new lipsticks in here, because they had fallen down behind and were hiding!
But let’s start at the beginning.
When we bought our house
We bought our house a long time ago. And though it wasn’t technically a “Fixer Upper,” it certainly had lots of things that needed fixing. We’ve been working on them slowly over the years, and let’s face it, some things just get pushed to the bottom of the list.
Our primary bathroom is one of these things. It’s a lovely sunny big room with the bathtub of my dreams, but not much storage or counter space. Ok, there’s NO counter space, and this little closet is all the storage there is.
What’s wrong with this closet?
To begin with, there are so many things that are wrong with this weird little cupboard:
- It’s very narrow.
- And way too deep. There’s no way you can reach the back.
- The shelf itself is ridiculous, since it’s too small for the space, and stuff always falls through the grating!
- It’s still got the original 1917 wallboard, which has never been painted.
- Plus that wallboard just breaks apart when you try nailing or screwing anything into it.
- There’s no light in there,
- And etc.
But this was the space we had. And this was the shelf we had at the time, so in it went. And in went everything else too. Here it’s half way cleaned out, but you can see how so many things fell down behind the shelves. There’s probably a good 14 inches back there that got filled up with stuff!

In the meantime
Even though this closet, and indeed the whole bathroom, SERIOUSLY need remodeling, that’s still not at the top of the list. We are planning, but in the meantime I just couldn’t stand it another minute.
So I made do with exactly the same stuff I started with, and just – organized! Which goes to show, there’s a lot of goodness between “Hideous” and “Brand-New Big-Dollar Remodel!” And the whole job only took me one afternoon.
The process I used when I organized my bathroom closet
Over the years, I’ve taken bits and pieces of many different organizing systems, and consolidated them to make my own whole-house cleaning, organizing, and planning system. (The foundation is based on what I learned from the amazing book I talk about in this post.) And of course, I have a process I use for projects like this.
First, I took everything out
Everything came out, even the shelf! As you can see, there was A LOT of stuff in there. I didn’t put it into any kind of order at this point, just got it out so I could see it all.
(I usually have a pretty tall ficus tree next to the tub where the broom is, but I moved it out of the way so I’d have enough room for everything! I put it back in time for the After picture though, so you’ll get to see it in a bit.)
I dusted and swept the cupboard, so it would be all ready when the time came.

Then I sorted
I got a garbage bag, a donate or give away bag, and a big box. Then I started sorting!
Obviously, anything that needed to be tossed – expired medicine, expired makeup, expired hair scrunchies – went straight into the garbage bag.
Then there were the things that were still usable, but not by me! Like old costume jewelry, self-stick curlers that I tried to make work and never could, and those 17 nail kits from all the times I forgot to take mine to the salon! Those went into the donation/give away bag. Or bags.
Next, there are the things that ended up in the bathroom cupboard just because I didn’t want to take the time to think of where they should really go. I thought about it now, then put them into the big box. After I finished, I took that box around the house, and put each thing away in its appropriate room.
Here you can see some of the bags for garbage, recycling, giving away, and putting away.

Then I grouped the things I was putting back
The next step when I organized my bathroom closet was to put back all the things I was keeping, in an organized way!
One of my main difficulties had been that things kept falling through the shelves. Fortunately, I had saved these super strong and pretty Mary Kay boxes. They were perfect for holding my little things so they didn’t keep falling through!
Even if you don’t have this kind of shelf problem, boxes are really great for grouping your things. You can see here, I’ve got boxes for my everyday toiletries, makeup I only use once in a while, dental care stuff, and cleaning supplies. I also had a couple plastic buckets that worked well for hair tools and other bathroom supplies.

Do it your way!
I want to throw in a word here about HOW to group things. Contrary to what anyone might tell you, assuming someone does tell you, there’s not just one way to organize.
As someone who’s spent a good portion of her career designing corporate filing systems, let me say that the best way to group things is THE WAY THAT MAKES THE MOST SENSE TO YOU! You’re the one who has to use the system, so feel free to put things wherever, however, and with whatever else you want.

Changing the layout
One of the things that really helped as I organized my bathroom closet, was to change the layout. Instead of putting the shelf up front so that everything could slide off into the deep recesses of the closet where I could never get it again, I turned the shelf sideways.
This not only keeps things on the shelves where they belong, it effectively gave me more usable space. I can stack the tissue (and TP when I bought some more) against the other wall. I can still see everything, and even though I still have to reach way in, it’s a lot easier.
As I mentioned, our house is really old, and by this time, most of the floors are pretty uneven. The bathroom closet is no exception, so I leveled up the shelf with a little shim under the front leg. It’s not stunningly beautiful, but it does the job for now.

My new organized bathroom closet
Obviously, my new setup isn’t the gorgeous sparkling White Walls and Neutral Baskets of my dreams. But it’s clean and organized, and every morning I can open this door and smile! Plus I can find exactly what I’m looking for, and know that I’m now down to five brand new lipsticks!

What do you think of the way I organized my bathroom closet? How do you do your own organizing? Let me know in the comments – I love to hear from you! And here’s to so much more room!

For more organizing fun
Click on the pictures below for links to the pieces I mentioned in this post. If something’s not available, I chose a similar replacement.
* This post includes affiliate links for your shopping convenience. If you click on a link and buy anything from that site within 24 hours, I get a small commission and there’s no extra cost for you! It really helps toward the cost of publishing Mantel and Table, and I seriously appreciate it. (You can read the whole disclosure policy here.) Thanks so much for shopping with me!
And remember, a portion of anything you buy from goes to Habitat for Humanity and Proud Ground. With our purchases, we get to help people build homes for their own mantels and tables!

I love organizing things, I really like to read this post. Thank you! for sharing such an amazing article.
Hi fellow organizer! So glad you stopped by and enjoyed the post. Feel free to pop back any time. 🙂
Great closet makeover! I have a similar sized closet in my bathroom. The shelving is set in place on the walls of the closet, so the depth of the closet is an issue. I love how you were able to put your shelf unit sideways! I’m not sure I would have thought of that!
Hi Pam! Turning the shelves was the game changer. A little trickier with your permanent shelves, but I’m sure you’ll come up with something as creative and beautiful as everything else you do! 😊 Thanks so much for stopping over, and hope you have a lovely week!
It still looks lovely; new or not! LOL. I definitely find that when I organize I tend to group things in more unusual ways; luckily once I explain (or label) my system my family is able to follow it and keep it up.
Thanks Joanne! And yaay for doing your system the way you want! That makes it so much easier, and I bet your family likes it better too once they get used to it. So sweet of you to chime in – stop back any time! 😊
Brava, Barbara! It feels so good to organize, and you’ve inspired me…time for another purge of my similar narrow linen closet, though mine isn’t quite so deep and has built in shelves (lucky me!). I still store nearly everything sorted into bins, but they are getting all jumbled again. Pesky reality that organization is an ongoing process that has to be maintained, not just a one-and-done affair, at least not for me! (and I believe I own the exact same hot roller set too?!)
I know!! Don’t you wish you could just do it once and have it stay magically beautiful forever? I keep waiting for the self-cleaning counter, too! 🤣 Good luck with yours, and here’s to nice warm curly hair!
Someone else made a comment about this, and I wanted to weigh in too! Thank you for NOT showing perfectly designed shelves and exquisitely matching containers. You are showing real life, and I (like everyone else) and very impressed. Turning the shelf unit to push it up against the wall was brilliant! And I am 100% on board with your philosophy that each us individually must organize for exactly how our brains work. Can from Clutterbug nails this concept in her approach. Thank you for the inspiration – I’m off to stare at the linen closet and wait for the image of perfection to appear !!
Yaay – staring at the closet is one of my favorite things to do! I hope your image appears soon! 😊 And you’re right – sometimes we just have to deal with what we’ve got! Thanks so much for popping in Kristine! I’m off to Red Shutter Cottage – see you in a minute!
Lol! I stare at closets, cabinets, shelves ,walls…the hubs says it freaks him out a bit when he catches me sitting and staring at something like a cat at a mouse hole because he’s positive that sooner or later I’m going to pop up and yell “Babe! I’ve got a great idea!”. 🤣 He’s generally relieved when it’s only taking stuff out of a cabinet or closet and switching things around as opposed to tearing down walls and completely reconfiguring an entire space. But he is a good sport about reconfiguring an entire room or three after the initial terror subsides a bit.
I love a blog like yours or “A Sob Comes Clean” for keeping it real and showing the down and dirty as well as the pretty side of things..
HA! My husband’s the same way, although I try to ease him into things slowly nowadays! 🤣 Thanks so much for dropping by and joining the conversation Kim, and Happy organizing!
This looks great Barbara. I can totally relate. Actually my bathroom drawers need some organization too. I just bought my foundation and my daughter is all “mom you had a new one in the drawer!”. 🤪. It’s such a mess I missed it. I love what you did so I’m going to follow your lead. The Flylady inspired my organizational foundation a long time ago, I’ll have to. check out the side tracked gals. Have a great day. XO- MaryJo
Haha – yes, the duplicate cosmetics struggle is real! 🤣 I love The Flylady too – she actually uses the Sidetracked Home Executives’ system, and I believe she is licensed to teach their method. You’ll love the book! 🙂 Happy January my friend!
It would make a huge difference if you also painted the dirty walls.
Hi Marcy! It definitely would, and that’s at the top of my list for the next round! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping over – Happy New Year!
Wow! You worked hard on this. It looks great Barbara. A clean closet AND new lipsticks. How much more could you ask for?
Woo – new lipstick! Definitely one of the small joys in life! 🙂 Thanks for popping by Kim! Hope you’re enjoying your lovely home up there!
Aaah, it’s the little things, right? One afternoon’s work making every morning so much better. Who would have thought turning the shelf sideways would make such a difference? You inspire me to tackle a closet or two I’ve been avoiding for a long time.
Yaay – go get em! 😊 It really is amazing, and I always wonder after I’ve done it, why I waited so long! Hope you have a lovely week Marieza, and thank you so much for coming over – I always love to see you here. Take care –
This transformation is fabulous, Barbara! I love that you dove right in and organized using what you already had on hand. There is something so satisfying about that. I’ve already brought 3 car loads full of goodies to the donation center and every time I leave there it makes me want to bring back even more! Keep up the good work – it looks amazing! Hugs, CoCo
Wow – 3 car loads down! That’s very exciting, and so fun to have that extra space back. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by CoCo! And Here’s to a more organized 2023!
Hi Barbra! You’ve probably figured out that I’m a bit obsessed with home organization, lol!! I love seeing transformations like the one you just made! You did a great job and I know you’ll be so much happier with the extra space you gained!
Ha! Yes, organization is pretty fun! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping over Donna. Hope you’re having a lovely 2023 so far!
Cannot believe the difference in the before and after. It looks so nice. Turning the shelf sideways made a huge difference and now all the cleaning mops, brooms, and buckets fit right up the side and are easy to get to.
I for the life of me cannot figure out why home designers make the linen or bathroom closets so narrow and deep.
Isn’t that something? Too bad it took me so long to figure out the sideways shelf, but better late than never, right? 😊 Thanks so much for popping over – it’s always so nice to see you!
Oh goodness Barbara – I’ve totally been (and still am) there and can so relate! But doesn’t it just feel the best when its all done and looks so lovely and organized?! Great post, my friend!!
It really does! Especially if you find a way to keep it that way! 😊 Happy January up there, Pal! 💛
Wow, Barbara! Nice job. I need to get there too. I’ve been closing the doors too long. Thank you so much for sharing at the TFT party, and thank you for your kind words. Hugs!
Hi Theresa! I know about closing doors! 🙂 That reminds me of the really tall freezer in my childhood house – you literally had to reach up and hold the ice cream carton in, then shut the door really fast! And you had to be ready to catch it when you opened the door again! It was kind of fun back then … ! 🤣 Hope you’re having a lovely day my friend! Thanks so much for stopping by!
I love this Barbara. We have a closet and several drawers that need cleaning out. You’ve inspired me! Thank you!
Any time! And when you’re done there, feel free to come on over – I have several other areas that could use a good clean! 🤣 Hope you had a lovely holiday and your new year is starting off great!💛
Thanks for keeping it real! Those perfect “Better Homes and Garden” shots make me throw up my hands and quit before I begin! You’ve inspired me to tackle a closet I have ignored for a year.
Ooooh – exciting! I can’t wait to hear all the mysterious things you find in YOUR closet! 🤣 Thanks so much for stopping by Rani, and here’s to cleaner closets in the new year!
Beautiful Barbara!!
I pet sit for free in pet sits all over the world through Trusted House Sitters. And I only put my name in the hat for the most gorgeous homes. You might call it “cherry picking.”
But here’s the thing, even the most beautiful mansions have closets just like you and me.
Boy, was that liberating to discover. They have junk drawers too!
I love what you did with your closet. Very inspirational!
HA! That’s great to know, Wendy – very inspiring! At least we’re in excellent company! 😊 I’d love to hear more of your pet-sitting adventures. I bet there’s a great book in there! 💛 Thanks for stopping by, my friend!
I love it! Organization can make our lives so much easier, its figuring out how. Lol!! Thank you for showing your authentic self and your fantastic ideas.
I appreciate it!
So true my friend! It only took me 17 years to think of turning the shelf sideways, for instance! 🤣 Hope you’re doing well over there – lots of love! 💛💛
Beautiful! I love an organized space. I’m working on my basement this week. Yikes! Hugs to you.
Good luck! I hope you find lots of fun things you’d forgotten about! 🤣 Happy Thursday my friend!
Looks amazing Barbara! Great job and gutting it and starting fresh is a big key to organizing. Thanks for sharing
Isn’t there something so satisfying about getting everything out? That’s one of my favorite parts! 😊 Hope you have a wonderful day out there, and thanks so much for coming over!
Keeping it real… that!
It doesn’t matter if its a new house or old house, there is always something to organize. Something about closet cleaning is so satisfying. Thanks for the relatable post!
You’re right about that! 🤣 Hope your new house organization is coming right along, and you had a lovely New Year’s. Always so fun to see you here my friend!
I love this. I am inspired more when I see this kind of closet then one where everything looks staged. This is what real closets are supposed to look like in smallish older homes. Keep it coming.
Hi Andrea! I know what you mean! But I have to admit if I had a ton of money for remodeling, I’d spend a fair amount on this closet! 🤣 Maybe the next round short of that could be some paint … So nice of you to pop over – hope you have a lovely week!
Oh my goodness! I can completely relate! Our house is tiny, and old! Our only linen closet shares the space with our water meter! And, it is long over due for a good purge and organize. You have inspired me to tackle it this weekend!! I might even find the hot rollers that have been missing for a year 🙂
Haha! I can send you the extra hot rollers I found behind the shelf! 🤣 Thanks so much for stopping by Maureen, and Happy Organizing!