So there we were, visiting my SIL in Walla Walla – who would have thought I’d find the most perfectly gorgeous place for a wheat field tablescape?!
I’d been inspired by several lovely tablescape photos I’d seen with wheat in them, and had been vaguely on the lookout for somewhere wheat-ish.

How I Found the Perfect Place for the Wheat Field Tablescape
Here’s a little story. When we’re visiting friends or family for a few days, we usually spend the first day together. Then at some point on day two, we split up and do whatever appeals to any of us. On this particular day, SIL and I had gone to get our nails done. My wonderful husband had gone for a drive and a walk, and jazz-musician BIL had stayed home to practice.
Well, you know how it is – when you have pretty nails, you want to take them out somewhere! So SIL and I decided to round out our day with a late lunch at a lovely sidewalk cafe and wine tasing room.
Lunch on the Sidewalk
We got ourselves settled at the table, then thought we’d call BIL to join us. (We didn’t call my wonderful husband because he was out walking, right?)
SO we ‘d just ordered and BIL was on his way, when my cell phone rings. It was actually a miracle that I heard it at all, as I usually keep it in my purse with the ringer off. It was from Stacy someone, who I’d never heard of, but I was curious so I answered it. Turns out, it was NOT Stacy Someone, but my wonderful husband!
Apparently, both his keys and his phone had gotten locked in the car at the parking lot of the hiking trail! He borrowed generous fellow hiker Stacy’s phone to call and ask me to bring the spare key. Normally I would have hopped right up and gone out there, but we had food – and a wine flight – coming right up! (They were both delicious, btw!) We decided he’d take his walk while we ate our food, and meet up there in an hour.
On the Road to a Wheat Field
So I’m sure you can figure out what came next! SIL drove me to the trailhead, and on the way I saw this wheat field! I think I said “OH WOW – that’s the perfect place for a wheat field tablescape!” SIL laughed and agreed, never thinking that I really meant to do it!

But I couldn’t stop thinking about it! It was the perfect spot. Also, I had just gotten a new phone with a really good camera in it, that I was dying to try out. (I hadn’t yet figured out how to make the photos less than full size – hence the tall pictures!)
SO at pretty much the last moment the next afternoon, I did a whirlwind trip through SIL’s dining room and kitchen for supplies, and packed them all in a big plastic bin. My wonderful husband was going out for another walk, so he dropped me off at the field.

Making Do
One of the things that we home entertainers always worry about is not having just the right stuff. Or not being prepared. While those things are nice certainly, there’s something to be said for just “making it all work.”
I had not planned on setting a tablescape in Walla Walla – wheat field or otherwise. I hadn’t brought any pieces with me, no tripod, or anything. Plus, I didn’t leave myself a lot of time. It did help that SIL had a folding table and a lovely collection of linens and glassware. But the point is, we got a beautiful table with just the simplest of things, and I didn’t fuss over them at all.
For instance, the tablecloth is all wrinkled. (No time to iron or steam it.)

The silver hasn’t been polished. (Ditto.)

And I didn’t even get any flowers! But I got the look I was after. And the location was so beautiful that nobody cared if my wheat field tablescape wasn’t “perfect.” In fact, it might have been best this way!
Twine Napkin Rings
And here’s another way we made do, just using twine for the napkin rings.

If you’ve been around M&T for a while, you may have heard of Aunt Kitty – our family’s east coast hostess of yore. SIL has several of Aunt Kitty’s lovely things, and these monogrammed napkins are among them. (We couldn’t figure out what the A stood for, unless it was “Aunt!”)
But I loved the contrast of the lovely old linen and the natural twine.

The Color of the Wheat Field Tablescape
What I was really after was the colors. I didn’t want to detract from the gorgeous views, so it was all wheat, white, and clear.

I actually picked the wheat stalks for the centerpiece on site. But I loved the height and the way it tied in with the surroundings.

The vase itself is lovely – another of SIL’s beautiful things.

Building Your Collection
Actually, EVERYTHING here is SIL’s, right? It’s so fun having access to a friend’s collection. But if you don’t have a collection of your own, or a friend’s to borrow, here’s one of my favorite tips.
Cut glass vases, little candle holders, and definitely plates, fancy glassware, and etc. are often really easy to find at thrift stores. I’ve gotten amazing things at Goodwill, and the prices are right too!

Sunset on the Wheat Field Tablescape
As I finished taking my zillion pictures, I noticed the shadows were creeping in. I turned around and was hit with THIS!

Oh my! I had to stop and take a long grateful breath. But then of course, I got right back to taking another zillion photos!

Good Night From the Wheat Field!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this wheat field tablescape as much as I have! Thank you so much for being here and sharing it with me!
I wish I’d taken photos of an actual dinner for two, but you can imagine it at sunset on a warm evening in the beautiful wheat field. Plus, doesn’t the tea candle through the martini glass look a little like an olive?!
So cheers to us, to lots of lovely tablescapes, time with friends, and to a gentle goodbye to summer!

Formal Table Setting Diagram
Remember to grab your free M&T Formal Table Setting Diagram!

And Pin The Wheat Field Tablescape For Later

This Post Shared With
- Tablescape Thursday #679 – Hosted by Between Naps on the Porch
- Thursday Favorite Things 09.30.21 – Hosted by Shoestring Elegance
- Tuesday Turn About #120 – Hosted by My Wee Abode
- Fabulous Friday 09.30.22 – Hosted by South House Design
- Tablescape Thursday 11.02.23 – Hosted by Between Naps on the Porch
- Thursday Favorite Things 11.02.23 – Hosted by Eclectic Red Barn
- Tablescape Thursday 08.22.24 – Hosted by Between Naps on the Porch
Barb, being from a farm in Kansas originally, this lovely tablescape reminds me of home and our wheat fields. I have to admit I got a bit teary eyed as I reminisced about my many, many days of taking our lovely wheat fields for granted….and not seeing the true beauty of them front and center as you have put together. We worked the wheat fields…and I, driving the dump truck from the huge combine in the middle of the field to the grain elevator to be weighed and credited, was such a dreary drudge. Mostly my thoughts were of the stifling hot heat and the smell of the grain. (Our trucks did not have AC) And there were many hours of working until dusk to get the wheat “in” before rains and bad weather… so the sunsets were there, but we were not enjoying their beauty. And then when the harvest was finished, we burned the wheat stubble and I can still smell that “burnt” smell as we stood on guard for any get-a-way fires. All a part of being a farmer in the flatlands of Kansas.
What a shame when we allow life to interfere with all the beautiful wonders that God has created for us. It brings to mind the old adage “stop and smell the roses”. So thank you for taking the time to set up a simple table with what you could put together from your SIL’s stash…as it is one of the most beautiful tablescapes you have done. I LOVE IT.
Blessings Always
Oh Kari – what a sweet comment! I know – it’s so easy to take things for granted when we’re younger. We don’t really realize how precious it all is! But remembering the beauty we didn’t notice at the time is still wonderful. Maybe even more so because along with the beauty we understand our blessings even more. There’s a CS Lewis quote about heaven working backwards and turning agony into glory, and that’s how I feel about looking back at something we didn’t appreciate at the time. I’m so glad you liked the post my friend, and it’s so fun to learn more about you – imagine being able to drive a dump truck! 😊 Thanks so much for writing and reminding us to smell the roses!
So glad that you repeated this. All those pictures with the amber waves of grain, the simplicity and elegance of your table are just perfection. And to think you weren’t even home when you set this up. All I can say is “Wow”!
Oh I’m so glad you like it Jan! It was such a perfect place, and I was so lucky to have my sister-in-law’s beautiful tableware handy! 😊 Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope you’re having a great November so far!
What a beautiful table. How did I miss this? I love the natural tones. Looks so romantic as always. I enjoyed watching your state fair entry. What a fun experience. Your table there was amazing too.
Andrea! So glad you like it. 🙂 Wasn’t the state fair video cool? I was so surprised! 🙂 Thanks so much for popping over – can’t wait to see what you’re up to this week. Happy September!
What fun, Barbara. A wheat field! Wish you could have enjoyed a beautiful meal at sunset on your lovely table.
Hi Carol! Yes, dinner there would have been so nice. Isdn’t it so fun to find different places for tables? 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by, and Happy September!
OK…so don’t get the wrong idea about my character when I say this. The FIRST thing that popped into my head when I saw that tablescape in the 1st picture out there in the wheat field? Garth Brooks’ song “That Summer”. I think it’s in the first verse. Anyway, if you’re unfamiliar with the song, you might Google the lyrics. It’s just a song. Speaks absolutely nothing to my ethos overall.😇
Hallelujah that you actually answered the phone or even heard it in the first place! Yikes!!! That could’ve turned out WAY different!
The simplicity and understated beauty of this setting are unrivaled. Like something on the set of a motion picture! We expect to see the main characters lovingly gazing into one another’s eyes before sauntering up to the table to share a glass of wine. Then they’d sit holding hands across the table. Then the movie would fade to black with them standing, backs to the camera, holding one another and taking in the beauty of the sun as the credits roll……
…Which brings us full circle to the last couple of photos with the setting sun in the background. Yes, you guessed it: ANOTHER country song immediately came to mind! (I need to vary my playlist a bit!) Blake Shelton’s “This Is God’s Country” is the perfect song for those pics!!!!!
I just read what I wrote here. I need to get a life.😐
Hahah Alycia you always crack me up! But I think your life must be bursting at the seams with all the vibrancy you have leftover to share with us! I LOVE your song references – just perfect. Ethos or not, they’re beautiful lyrics. And maybe you should add being a screen writer or movie director to your already extensive credits. You made me totally experience that ending scene in the wheat field. I’m so glad you like it as much as I do, and thanks as always for giving us a new and lovely perspective. 💛
This is the most beautiful place and I LOVE your tablescape. So glad you found this special spot, Barbara. We’ll do whatever it takes to get the best tablescape pictures! Pinned.
Ha – we totally will! Can’t wait to see what we stumble across next! 🙂 Thanks for pinning, and for stopping by, as always!
Barbara, this could not be any more perfect. Sometimes the simple takes on an elegance that is stunning. The wheat field is beyond gorgeous as is the table setting. You didn’t let this chance pass you by! I missed you!
Pam you are so sweet! I was so excited when I saw this field – definitely something to remember now that our golden summer is over! Website is still having problems, but the second it’s fixed, I’ll be posting again! Maybe I’ll find a snow-field next time! 🙂 Take care in your ever-lovely home & garden!
Welcome back to Blogland, Barbara! And what a bang you came back with! Lovely fall tablescape! And the photos aren’t shabby at all! Pinned, and I’m delighted to be sharing you at Tuesday Turn About tomorrow!
Julie! You are the sweetest – thank you so much for the shout-out! I’m actually headed over to Tuesday Turn About right now! See you in a minute! 🙂
This is perfection! I love it. I love the juxtaposition of a rustic setting with a fine set table. You nailed it! Have a wonderful day. XO- MaryJo
Wow – thanks so much MaryJo – I’m so glad you like it! Hope you have a wonderful day too and thanks for stopping by!
Barbara, I would love to have a meal in this wheat field. It’s so romantic with the sunsetting in the background. Everyone else must feel the same way since it was the most clicked! Congrats
Aw thanks Rachelle – it really was beautiful – I couldn’t resist! Thanks so much, and I’m happy your readers liked it too! I just popped over there – such a wonderful collection of inspiration! Thanks again!
Wow so simple and breathtaking!
Thanks so much Marie! Isn’t it great when you find just the right place? And nature’s gorgeous lighting doesn’t hurt either! 🙂 So glad you stopped by! Going to pop over and see what you’re up to next. Take care!
This is perfect Barbara – how cool is it to set a table in the middle of a wheat field! And an ironed tablecloth and polished silver just wouldn’t have been the same. Curious is there was any passers by lol? Happy Thursday to you!!
Hi Kim! Ha – there were a couple people down on the road who gave me a look or two, but nobody said anything! Now if I’d had those martinis I wanted to put in those glasses, it might have been a different story! 🙂 Hope you’re doing well up there!
Look at you making wheat beautiful! No surprise to me. I am glad you had a good trip. How fun to be out with your sister-in-law and get your nails done I bet. Thanks so much for your loving comments dear friend. Pinning and sharing your beautiful post.
Happy Fall!
Ha – Theresa – thank you! And yes it was all fun! 😉 I so missed Thursday Favorite Things over the summer, and it was great to catch up a little this morning. It’s so sweet of you all to continue to host so we can all enjoy! And so sweet of you to pop by. Hope you have a wonderful day my friend!
Such a gorgeous tablescape! The pics are amazing!
Hi! So glad you like them. Still not quite up to your level, but I’m working on it! 😉 Hope you have a lovely day!
Stunning settting especially when the sun set!! Nothing else is needed.
I know – wasn’t that sunset gorgeous? I actually took a ton of photos of the hills and trees too. I might have gotten a little carried away, but the light was perfect! Hope you’ve been well over there!
How incredibly beautiful Barbara! Oh the lengths we tablescapers will go to!! Gorgeous!!
Ha – Jenna you are so right! 😉 I’m glad you like it too. Happy end of summer!