Hi All, and welcome back to the next adventure of The Traveling Teacup! This one is full of delicious tea, wonderful gardens, amazing art, and lovely tables. But first, I’m channeling my hero Julie Andrews in Sound of Music, to say …
Let’s Start at the Very Beginning
Back in May 2020 – just as we were all hunkering down at home – our little teacup started traveling. I thought it would just be a fun diversion for a couple weeks, but it turned into lots more. In fact, we’re on to our second year!
You can get all the background in The Exciting Beginnings of The Traveling Teacup! And if you want to see the full itinerary for her first year, check out this post, The Traveling Teacup Finds Herself In A Beautiful Texas Garden.

Year Two Itinerary So Far
After a brief rest at home after year one, Tessa Rose Teacup started off on another round. Here’s where she’s been so far in year two.
- A gorgeous farm in Estacada OR, the home of brilliant blogger, table stylist, and entrepreneur Renae Frey.
- An exciting train ride to Santa Fe NM with the always fun and creative Albuquerque blogger, Jeanne Washburn.
Stop #3 ~ The Traveling Teacup Goes To Amherst Ohio
After her fun time with Jeanne, our teacup gets a 1,580 mile plane ride to Amherst OH to visit Valerie, an amazing M&T reader and tea lover. TR has been to Ohio before – visiting Michele, another talented tea-drinker, and I’m sure she was happy to be back in the state.

Valerie is a serious tea lover, cook, entertainer, gardener, and conservationist. And a writer too! She’s sent us a wonderful account of her four days with Tessa Rose, so I’m just going to turn it all over to her!
Getting to Know Our Traveling Teacup Host
What fun to be able to host Tessa Rose at my home in Amherst, Ohio. I am a retired high school English teacher and Drama Director. My greatest productions however, are my two sons, now grown and living in Columbus, Ohio. I live here with my husband, an artist and retired high school art teacher, and our dog Barley.
It is a busy time of year here in Northeast Ohio, planting, weeding, and fertilizing takes up much of the day. I go to a yoga class 5 days a week, as well. I am a member of Adagio Teas’ CommuniTea, and enjoy posting photos and reviews of daily teas, as well as communicating on a chat page with fellow tea drinkers.
Baby Bluebirds
My husband and I are also Eastern Bluebird monitors, overseeing 18 boxes at a local metro park. We have one box with 5 bluebird chicks. Here they are at 2 days old.

We have 13 boxes with tree swallow eggs! I take time out of this busy schedule to enjoy the world traveling tea cup.
Starting the Year with Monthly Tea Parties
After unpacking the traveling teacup from the box, I steep Adagio’s Earl Grey Lavender tea (and add sweetener and cream), then show Tessa Rose around my dining room. I love to host tea parties, and always pick a theme or holiday to focus the tea party around.
I started the year 2020 with the intention of having a tea party every month. After the holiday open house, I hosted a Chinese New Year tea party, which was great fun, as we checked out our Chinese horoscopes. The dining room was decked out in red decorations, chopsticks, fans, hats, and I served Chinese food I made from scratch with Chinese green teas. Each guest got a red envelope with a Chinese coin and a $2 bill for good luck.
After a romantic Valentine dinner with dear friends, next was a St. Patrick’s Day tea party, complete with festive decorations, hats, and fun Irish food. Each guest brought either an Irish tale or poem to share. It was the last party I got to host as Covid put an end to any more.
Decorating the Dining Room
I continued to decorate the dining room for each month anyhow. It was a creative outlet and practice for when I am able to have friends over. In April the room was festooned in Spring Easter eggs and bunnies. For May the dining room is transformed with flowers, birds, and butterflies.
The lace tablecloth, handmade in Italy, was a gift from my husband who traveled there with a school group. I put up holiday appropriate work my sons created when they were very young. It makes me smile to see these elementary pieces of art.

Having Tessa Rose visit is a virtual way to develop friendships. Think of all the stories she will have to tell when she gets back home!

Spring Tea Party Complete with Snoogles!
Time for a snack, so I set the table for a spring tea party, complete with the Haviland china and silver place settings I inherited from my mother.

Then I choose a very famous dessert from one of the best bakeries in the county: Kiedrowski Bakery http://www.kiedrowskibakery.com/ right here in Amherst. I have one of their world famous Snoogles. It is a creamy, cinnamon delight that melts in your mouth. They are very long (here one is cut in two to fit on the plate.) It is so delicious, it is hard not to eat the entire thing in one sitting.

Later in the day, I steep a flowering Peach tea.

The Traveling Teacup Visits Valerie’s Lovely Backyard
Now we head to the backyard, first to the pond. This is a peaceful place to rest and become one with nature. The water is soothing and brings peace.

Then to the waterfall. My husband hand dug the pond over 20 years ago, creating the waterfall from rocks he collected. Tessa is sitting on the wooden bridge he built, that crosses the expanse of the pond.

Sculpture & Fun In The Garden
My mother was an artist, and we have several of her sculptures that we set out in our yard every summer. Here, Tessa Rose gets to know one of them. It is early spring yet, so the flowers have not all grown in. Soon this will be full of zinnias and summer perennials.

We have many fun items in our yard. Here is my lavender patch in a fire ring. It is still early, so the plants have not grown up yet. The Blue Heron sculpture stands at the edge of our pond, and keeps the actual bird from visiting to feast on our fish and frogs.

Now onto the vegetable garden, surrounded by a fence to keep the groundhog out. In the vegetable garden is an Ewe and her lamb.

Day 2 ~ Breakfast and a Matching Hat
It is very warm for May. We start the day off with a Earl Grey Lavender, a very British tea. I bring out my mother’s silver tea set, and a blueberry scone from Kiedrowski’s Bakery to start the day.

To give this setting a different look, I switch out the top lunch plate, and use ones from my grandmother. In honor of Tessa Rose, I fold the napkins into roses.

My husband found this bust somewhere, and his mother had it on display in her living room for years. She gifted it to me a few years back, so this Victorian lady always wears a hat to fit the dining room’s theme. This is an antique straw hat, much like the one I use to garden in.

Another beautiful day to visit the backyard. Tessa Rose is now filled with Adagio’s Decaf Strawberry tea as she travels around the yard to see the flowers and unique items.

My husband painted his version of Grant Wood’s “American Gothic” years ago. These are on the doors to the back shed on our property.

Dinner Time for The Traveling Teacup
Eventually it is time for dinner (baked chicken fingers and homemade Keto mac and cheese) with Adagio’s Honeybush Chocolate.

Dessert is from a local chocolate shop Suzin L Chocolatier https://www.suzinl.com/ Dark chocolate treats and Suzin L’s famous chocolate covered strawberry.

Tessa Rose has had a good day.

Day 3 ~ Chickens and Hummingbirds and Beer, Oh My!
We visit some more of the fun items in our yard.
Here is the Hen with her chicks that stand outside my husband’s art studio..

We had to have a tree cut down, so my husband kept enough of it to create this special brewery for our dog Barley. Barley is a King Charles Cavalier/American Cocker Spaniel with brown spots the color of barley grain. Barley is a grain used in producing beer, which my husband makes as a home brewer in our basement.

The Herb Garden
We have an herb garden.

Part of the garden is for making tea, here are some of the mints.

The Traveling Teacup Has Never Seen A Wildlife Habitat
Our back deck is under the giant tree and next to the artist studio. We have earned the Certified Wildlife Habitat designation for our yard from the National Wildlife Federation.

Standing at the pond and looking out into the rest of the yard (shed to the left, raised gardens to the right).

Soon it becomes evening. Time to show Tessa Rose a northeast Ohio treat for dinner. Living near Lake Erie, we are lucky. Husband went fishing today and caught two walleye. He cleans them, then fries them on the grill.
I make cheesy mashed cauliflower and steam some broccoli to go with it. A cup of Adagio’s Buddha’s Dream green tea goes well with it.

Final Breakfast for Our Traveling Teacup
Day 4 and final day of our visit. In the morning I steep Adagio’s “Breakfast Princess” a signature blend by Abigail Holmes, and enjoy Keto waffles with Ohio maple syrup. This is a glass set of dishes, glazed with beautiful hand painted flowers that I got from a dear friend.

Afterward, I pour a cool cup of Adagio’s Berry Blast (cold brewed in the refrig the night before).
The Traveling Teacup Is Enamored With the Fairy Garden
Now I will introduce Tessa Rose to my fairy garden in the backyard. Each year it changes a bit. This section has a number of houses and items representing some of the plays I directed at Marion L Steele High School in Amherst. A theatre parent is crafty, and made these items for me. Every year a toad will come to visit the garden and stay for awhile.

Tessa Rose seemed to enjoy visiting all the wee folk in the fairy garden, especially the two having a tea party of their own. Tessa Rose also liked wearing the mint earring.

Here is the Peter Pan section, with a toad visiting for the day.

Snack Time
We go inside to cool off from the warm day, and stop for a snack of fresh raspberries, Kiedrowski’s nut and fruit kolaches. Tessa Rose’s saucer made the perfect plate for some chocolates and a chocolate covered strawberry from Suzan L. The place settings are a white china luncheon set of my mother’s made in Japan.

What fun it was to entertain Tessa Rose. It was like having a tea party every day she visited. Thanks for letting her stop by my home. Soon I will be able to surround my decorated table with tea drinking friends.
Until then, this was fun. I carefully packed her back into the box and sent her onto her new adventure with Adagio CommuniTea friend Lilly.

Thank You So Much Valerie!
Oh my, what a wonderful visit! I could spend hours in that fun garden, and what a lot of delicious sounding teas and meals TR got to share! Thank you so much Valerie – I feel like Tessa and I had a relaxing long weekend in Ohio!
Tune in next time as our teacup jets off to Tennessee! Until then, Happy Teatime!
Teacup Shopping

If you love teacups as much as I do and want to start or add to your collection, Click HERE for the Shopping Page. Then scroll down and click on the picture of the teacup.
And remember, a portion of anything you buy from MANTELandTABLE.com goes to Habitat for Humanity and Proud Ground. With our purchases, we get to help people build homes for their own mantels and tables!
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Have a Lovely Teacup Tuesday!

What a wonderfully fun post, and a truly brilliant idea to have a traveling tea cup! Your photos are just beautiful, and I loved reading about the teacup’s adventures.
Hi Pattie! Thanks so much – I’m so glad you like the blog, and the Traveling Teacup. It’s been a really fun series. I was wishing I could travel with her! 🙂 It’ll be great to have another visit soon. Thanks so much for stopping by – I’ve really been enjoying your blog! 💛
WOW!!! What an adventure! And from another Ohioan, yay! I am not sure where Amherst is, need to look that up – I think it is a little town NE of me a few hours.
I sure enjoyed all those fun pics – Tessa Rose sure enjoyed herself! How could she not????
I think Valerie won us over with that amazing “Monetesque” lily pad pond! WOW! It is so neat!
Thanks for yet another great traveling teacup adventure!
HI Michele! Not sure how I missed your comment, but yes! It sure was another adventure! 🙂 TR must like OH! 😀 Hope you’re doing well out there my friend – I think about you all the time!
This was quite a trip for Miss Tessa. I could spend a good bit of time looking at the garden, unique art and what the family was eating. Fun trip!
Thanks for keeping us up-to-date with the tea cup journal.
Hi Rachelle! I Know – isn’t that garden cool? I’d love to tag along with those two for a day – it sounds like they’re always doing something fun! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping over and Happy Weekend!
I marvel at Tessa’s travels…what a lucky teacup to visit such charming homes and be treated so well. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Denise! I’m so glad you like to tag along too! I’d love to follow in her footsteps some day! 😉 Happy Thursday my friend!
Barbara, thanks for allowing me to be a part of this big, fun adventure with the beautiful traveling tea cup. I have enjoyed seeing all of Tessa Rose’s trips so far, so it was an honor to host her at my home. I especially thank all of the followers for their kind comments. If any of you are near Amherst, Ohio I do suggest checking out the bakery and candy store for their delicious wares, and then stop by our place for a visit. I’ll put a pot of tea on.
Valerie you’re a wonderful host! Your place is so great, and your story was fabulous – you two are so talented and welcoming! I hope I do get to stop by for a visit and a cup of tea someday! 🙂 Thanks so much for hosting!
Oh my goodness Barbara! What lovely gardens Valerie has and a wild life habitat too! Tessa must have had a fantastic time there, lucky girl. Just beautiful!
Isn’t that wildlife habitat the coolest?! You hosts really know how to show a teacup a wonderful time! 🙂 Hope you’re having a great week!
What great adventures, and such a pleasure to read each week. Thank you so much friend for sharing your tea cup with us.
So sweet of you to pop over every time Chas! You teacup hosts really stick together! 🙂 Have a lovely weekend my friend!
This was particularly fun for me to read as Amherst, Ohio is quite near where we raised our family and where we just sold our condo up in Ohio. I remember chaperoning the high school show choir over to Amherst. It is always fun to see where Tessa Rose has traveled!
Wow that is really cool Chloe! You must miss it up there, although I guess I wouldn’t feel too bad about being in all that sun! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping over, and have fun down there!
Such a lovely visit for Tessa Rose. The desserts sound amazing! Yum. Hugs to you.
I know – I was all about the pastries!! 😉 Take care my friend!
Barbara, what a talented couple that Tessa Rose visited. I wouldn’t know where to start about Tessa’s visit with Valerie, there is so much to take in with the gardens and home. Thank you to Valerie for sharing her beautiful place!
Hi Pam! That’s exactly what I thought – Valerie’s story felt like a weekend vacation! 🙂 I would love to meet them in person sometime! Happy Thursday to you!
The bluebird babies are so amazing!!
As always, gorgeous photos, Barbara!
Wendy 🙂
Aren’t they darling?! It must be so fun for Valerie and her husband to watch over all those nests. So glad you stopped by Wendy – hope you have a lovely weekend over there!