Hi All! This is something of a reunion stop ~ The Traveling Teacup returns to Walla Walla to visit with my wonderful sister-in-law, Laura! She’s been there before, but now it’s beautiful springtime! Just look at those blossoms!

Looks like SIL and Tessa Rose got to do a lot of relaxing and enjoying the springtime, and we get to share it! But first, let’s review the journey so far.
How It All Started
Almost a year ago, The Traveling Teacup (aka Rosie, Tessa, Tessa Rose, Tess, &/or TR) started out at my house with The Exciting Beginnings of The Traveling Teacup.

Then she hopped into a USPS truck, and headed down the road to Corbet OR, and then — the WORLD!
- A beautiful Oregon farm belonging to my dear friend Martha
- The Bay Area with crafter and HomeTalk personality Cynthia Nessel
- The lovely home of Kansas City stylist Suzanne Zingg
- Teatime in Texas with Lifestyle blogger Candace McCoy
- The gorgeous Lakebay WA cottage garden of IG star Kim Robinson
- A cool So Cal family tea with small-space decorator Julie Briones
- A day of tea, art, and music with Michele at The Nest at Finch Rest
- Meeting interesting new people with Linda Defazio at Somerset Lodge
- A fun and busy detour to my dear SIL in Walla Walla
- Some VERY hot weather with Instagrammer SavvyCheri in N. Tustin CA
- A pink pumpkin party with Alicia, the talented creator of IG’s 13Tables
- The historic Phoenix estate of renovator & home blogger Mary Crozier
- Back to the NW and my neighbors’ home to meet their new puppy
- A Vermont snowfall with Ann, of the blog Dabbling and Decorating
- The Northwoods to see the Queen of Plaid, Kristin at White Arrows Home
- The mountains of Colorado with DIY guru Chas of Chas’ Crazy Creations
- Dallas TX visiting weekend-decorator extraordinaire Andrea Hundley
- And her first international stop – a lovely blogger and doctor in Canada
- High Tea with Master Gardener and New Jersey blogger Stacy Ling
- Tea in the Netherlands with consummate tea party host Martine
- A visit to EPCOT with the lovely, talented Chloe of Celebrate and Decorate
- The Beautiful Snowy Mountains of WA state with my dear friend Patty
- Back to Florida and the Gulf Coast with the amazing Kari of Me and My Captain
- A fascinating tour of historic Lancaster PA hosted by Linda of Bushel & a Pickle
Stop #25 ~ Our Traveling Teacup Returns to Walla Walla
If the title and the list above didn’t give it away, Tessa Rose has made a previous stop in Walla Walla. It was the end of summer then, and was just a hop and skip from her most previous host. But this time, her journey was almost the complete width of the country, covering about 2600 miles!

Last time she was here, she helped out with lots of chores. However, this time when our traveling teacup returns, she gets to relax and be surrounded by beauty!
A Relaxing Moment on the Window Sill
After that long journey, I’m happy that TR gets to take a moment to do nothing more strenuous than gaze out the window. And what a beautiful one! Laura tells us a little bit about this scene.
The leaded glass is a framed piece from the Saturday Market about 35 years ago that just happens to go with our house. Curtains are white clearance lace that I dyed beige.

The Portland Saturday Market is a really fantastic outdoor market, with booths that sell all kinds of handmade things. It goes every weekend from March through Christmas Eve, and I especially love the traditional “Festival of the Last Minute.” If you ever come to Portland, this is definitely something to put on your sight seeing and shopping list!
And what a fabulous use of fabric at the window! I always forget you can dye things, and these are so lovely and ethereal in the sunlight.
The Piano!
SIL is a wonderful musician and piano instructor, so it’s fitting that she would have some words of wisdom to impart:
Never put anything with liquid in it on a piano.

This is good practical advice, and it’s also kind of an inside joke. We have a piano in our back eating area where people always seem to congregate at our parties. So we put a sign on the piano that said “No Drinks on the Piano Please.”
What we didn’t really notice, because of course we were used to it, was that we kept a tray of coffee cups on top of the piano! Our guests always delighted in bringing that contradiction to our attention, and it didn’t do any good to point out that the cups were in fact empty … (We did eventually move the cups to a new home, and get much less razzing now!)
Anyway, Tessa Rose looks great on that beautiful piano, and you’ll notice that she doesn’t have any liquid!
Outside and Inside in the Springtime
The quince is in bloom. Tess is on the porch viewing the tulips.

Redecorating Magic
This clock has sat on that mantle for years; never ran. So I decided to wind it up and try it one more time since I was moving it around, and the darn thing now works and chimes on the hour.

The carved wood on the buffet in the dining room. Turn of the century (19th-20th) Italian.

Oh my – I LOVE SIL and BIL’s dining room! The furniture is just stunning, and how about those built-ins?! And the quince boughs! Tessa Rose looks right at home, doesn’t she?

The sugar and creamer are a Goodwill find. The teapot is godinger & co. Table top burled walnut veneer from the same set of Italian furniture.

No really – what a perfectly gorgeous table! And a gorgeous photo background too!
Seeing Things in New Ways
The detail on the saucer caught my eye.
I’ll say! It’s beautiful close up, isn’t it? Like wallpaper or a fabric design. It really makes you appreciate the detail in this little teacup!

The side that no one ever sees.
Wow – isn’t that extra cool?! I don’t think I’ve ever really looked at TR from that angle before either!

Thanks So Much Laura!
What a lovely relaxing visit with Laura and Tessa Rose and the spring blooms! I’m so glad our traveling teacup returns every now and then to her second home in Walla Walla. And that we got to share this one! Thank you so much SIL – you’re the best!
Tune in again next time as our teacup continues her journey with a stop in Humble TX!
Teacup Shopping

If you love teacups as much as I do and want to start or add to your collection, Click HERE for the Shopping Page. Then scroll down and click on the picture of the teacup.
And remember, a portion of anything you buy from MANTELandTABLE.com goes to Habitat for Humanity and Proud Ground. With our purchases, we get to help people build homes for their own mantels and tables!
Pin ‘The Traveling Teacup Returns’ for Later

Have a Lovely Teacup Tuesday!

What a wonderful visit to your SIL gorgeous home.
Sure love Tessa’s travels! Who would have ever believed we’d be in year two??
It is so exciting!!!
It’s so fun to see all the fabulous places Tessa Rose has visited. I always love to see what she’s up to.
Hi Kim! Isn’t it fun to follow along? You earlier hosts have a bird’s eye view so to speak! 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting again!
Such a fun reunion and a beautiful place too! Those antique pieces are amazing. Love following along on all her teacup adventures. She’s gone to so many fabulous places and made some really special memories. Hugs, CoCo
Hi CoCo – I know! I LOVE their dining room furniture! And didn’t TR look lovely on it? 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping over and following along!
What a wonderful visit Tessa Rose had! Thank you for sharing.
Absolutely! The journey continues … ! 🙂
Wow! 25 trips – including one out of the country and one across the ocean – is absolutely amazing! I wonder what the total miles that she has travelled would be – in the tens of thousands? Her journey has been quite remarkable and what a neat tribute to your original idea. Thanks so much for sharing Barbara and your wonderful creativity!
It truly IS amazing! I’d never thought of adding up the miles, but that’s a great idea. You’re the farthest north so far I think, although the Netherlands is probably up there too – I’ll have to check the map again! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by Kim! I hope you’re thawing out up there!
Barbara, how lovely to have a quince tree! The blooms are just beautiful. I love that Tessa Rose is relaxing at your SIL’s home….she probably needs it after such extensive travel! Love the Traveling Tea Cup posts…keep them coming!
Hi! I’m so happy you like the posts – they show no sign of stopping anytime soon! And they’re so fun with talented hosts like you all! Hope you’re having a lovely evening down there. (Well I guess it’s morning now!) See you soon!
Look at all the places this little teacup has gone! It’s so amazing, and wouldn’t we like to put ourselves in a box and be able to do this at that cost?!!! Thank you so much for sharing her adventures.
YES – I’d love to follow in her footsteps, especially at the USPS Medium Box rate! 🙂 Maybe we could both go! I love how you previous hosts still stop over on Teacup Tuesday!
Hi! She’s a stout little teacup, and her hosts have been so gentle with her. It’s pretty amazing! Thanks so much for stopping over Elizabeth! It’s always so nice to see you!
What a gorgeous home. I want to see more! It’s so fun to follow the teacup. You’re going to need a new map soon.
Ha – I know! I think there’s room for one more on there, which will be almost exactly a year too! I love SIL’s home too. It’s such a beautiful spot. I’m so glad you previous hosts still follow along – it’s so fun! 🙂
Happy spring! Your sil has such a lovely home. What a lucky yea cup Tessa is to be able to go visit.
I’m so excited to meet Tessa Rose , and you, soon.
Blessings to you.
Yaay – it won’t be long now Renae! She’s on her way to you as we speak, and we’re both so excited to meet you too! 🙂 Happy Spring in the meantime!
Hi Barbara,
I received Tessa Rose today. What is the timeline for getting a post to you? My mom died recently and I am leaving to go clean out her house in Arizona. I will be back on the 24th. I’m terribly sorry if I am holding you up.
Hugs and blessings to you.
Oh Renae I’m so sorry about your mom! I’ll be in touch via email and we’ll work it all out – no problem at all. You take care, and I’m sending lots of love with you on your trip!
Oh Renae, I know I am very late sending condolences to you. So sorry for the loss of your mother. May she rest in peace.