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It’s Tea Time here in my neighborhood!
I belong to a book group that’s been meeting regularly for many many years. And over those years, we’ve developed a sort of tradition of having our refreshments reflect our book! Last month I was host, and our reading assignment was “Anything by or about Jane Austen!” That kind of left it wide open, but one thing that’s consistent in all Jane Austen’s books, is tea time. So we had our own version of an English tea party. For the record, this table is not really historically based. I just used what I already had to invoke the spirit of an Austen-esque tea party for my friends.
There are 10 elements you can use to create the tea party vibe!
Step 1 – A Pretty Tablecloth
I used a white one but you could use anything that’s pretty in an elegant or old-fashioned kind of way. Even though Jane’s characters had tea every day, it was still a more formal affair than what we have now. And a tablecloth lends some formality.

Step 2 – Flowers
Austen talks about flowers all the time in her books, and besides – they’re pretty! I put these lovely pink and white ones in a silver wine bucket for some height, but you could use anything that looked vintage or matched your color scheme.

Step 3 – Candles
They didn’t have electricity – and hardly even any gas light – in Jane Austen’s time. They mostly used their fireplaces, and candles. Fast forward to our time, and candles still create a beautiful glow, and add extra romance to your tea table. I have a beautiful pair of silver candelabra that I got at Goodwill (for only $35 by the bye!) Only one would really fit on the table, so I used that.

Step 4 – Silver Tea Service
And of course a Tea wouldn’t be complete without the actual tea service! If you don’t already have one, you might think they would be expensive. But since not too many people use tea sets for their intended purpose anymore, you can often get really good deals on them at thrift shops. I see them out there all the time. I got this one as a teenager for my hope chest. (You can read more about my Hope Chest in this post.)
I don’t use my tea set very often anymore except for holding flowers! So using it for real was pretty exciting!

Step 5 – Teacups & Saucers
If you have china tea cups, you’re half way there! I used my pink flowered set, but you could use any patterns, and they don’t have to match! Sometimes just a mix of different patterns is really fun! Same with the little sandwich plates. If you have a matching set, fine. But if you don’t, or if you’d just rather mix it up, different patterns are really interesting.

Step 6 – Teaspoons
Of course everybody will want a spoon to mix their cream and sugar or stir their tea. These are from my favorite pattern. But again, you could mix the patterns or just use your everyday stainless. The little glass spoon holder is one my sister-in-law gave me and it lends another fancy touch.

Step 7 – Cucumber Sandwiches
There is simply nothing more quintessentially English than cucumber sandwiches! I don’t know that I’ve ever met anyone who makes them regularly just to eat on a normal day. They’re an element that’s particularly tea-party-like. This recipe was not traditional, as it called for powdered ranch dressing which I’m pretty sure didn’t exist in Jane Austen’s time. But they were delicious! I might start making them just to eat on a normal day! I also made some chicken salad sandwiches, which were also good. Either way, cutting the crusts off the bread was pretty fun!

Step 8 – Tea Cookies
I have a little book called “Tea with Jane Austen” by Kim Wilson (which is great fun, and might have given me some inspiration for this party!) There’s a great recipe in it for tea cookies, called ‘Rout Cakes for Mrs. Elton.’ It looked good so I tried it! I made two kinds like the recipe called for. Both the plain and the one with dried cranberries were perfect for tea!

Step 9 – Serving Trays
Unfortunately we had no servants to bring our food in on pretty trays, but at least we had the pretty trays! Mine are – again – from Goodwill. Did I mention you can get a lot of inexpensive silver at Goodwill!?

Step 10 – Tea!
Last but not least is the tea itself. Traditionally it would have been brewed by the lady of the house, and would have been poured into your cup already steeped. But I knew that my modern guests would want various different kinds of tea. So since I’m not really as fancy as Jane Austen (and didn’t have as many teapots,) I just put out a plate with several packets of tea on it. I had hot water in the teapot so people could make their own. And of course cream and sugar available too. For whatever reason, I didn’t think about lemon until afterwards, but you could add that too!

We also have various adult beverages at our book group meetings. Miss Austen would likely not have had wine at her tea parties – this picture is half Jane, half Barbara!

As I may have mentioned, I got most of my silver plate at Good Will, and I spent many happy hours shopping for it! But if you don’t have the time or inclination to scout up tea things, the links below will make shopping faster and easier. Happy Tea Time!
———————— Shop The Tea Party Look ————————
Click on the pictures for links to pieces I used on this table. If the exact item isn’t available any more, I chose a similar option.
(This post includes affiliate links for your convenience. Read my full disclosure policy here.)
This Post Shared With
- Tablescape Thursday #606 – Hosted by Between Naps on the Porch
- Thursday Favorite Things #446 – Hosted by Katherine’s Corner
- Thursday Favorite Things 06.23.22 – Hosted by Shoestring Elegance
- Fabulous Friday 06.24.22 – Hosted by Peacock Ridge Farm
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Hi there! I’m visiting for the first time. This is VERY nicely done indeed!!!!!!!!! I just started watching series like “The Crown”, “Bridgerton”, “Downton Abbey”, and “The Gilded Age” this past winter. (I’m ALWAYS late to the party when it comes to the good stuff!) One of my favorite all-time movies is “Little Women”. So this tablescape and menu totally resonate with my present state of mind! (By the way, I’m on Team Barbara when it comes to including wine!🍷) So glad to see that you encourage people to use mismatch teacup sets, too. It makes it fun if you don’t happen to own a matching set with enough for all your guests. Each person gets to lay claim to their own personal style!
Very, very nice! Have a fantabulous weekend!!!
Alycia! I’m so happy and honored you stopped by. ♥ I’ve got to make some time to see some of those shows too – there just always seems to be so much going on in real life! 🙂 Thanks so much, and here’s to mismatched china! 🍷
So beautiful! You have inspired me to dig out my Jane Austen books!
Yaay! So glad you like it Missy! I just finished watching the entire BBC Pride and Prejudice for the millionth time – it just gets better and better! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing my love of Austen!
I am always blown away by the beautiful settings you create, Barbara! It’s a whole mood!
Thanks so much Marieza! It’s so fun to pretend we’re all friends with Jane Austen! 🙂 Hope you’re doing well over there. I just saw you have a new post, so I’m rushing over there right now. Thanks so much for stopping by, and see you in a minute!
Such a pretty tea party. I recently made cucumber sandwiches for a post. They were delicious! I really should make them more often.
Yumm yes they are really good! Hope you’re having a lovely sunny week out there. Thanks so much for stopping by my friend!
There’s something about tea time that makes you stop and muse. I think it’s the change of pace, the attention to details, the warmth of the tea, and the scrumptious things to nibble. Or maybe just the idea of all that. While a mug and a teabag are perfectly adequate, I like the experience of a tea time. Take care!
That’s it exactly, Sandra – what a great way to put it! 💗 Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing this little tea time! 😉 Hope you have a great weekend – stay safe!
These re great ideas! I was just talking to Quintins mom about tea parties she used to throw and she even gave me a couple books on the subject- one included music to play which I think she said was chamber music? She also mentioned radish and butter tea sandwiches as being delicious. I am going to try this next spring and have everyone wear fancy hats when they come! Cheers!
Hi Kelly! They’re so fun, aren’t they!? I’m trying Radish & Butter sandwiches next time! Thanks for starting the conversation!
Lovely! Tea is such a comfort this time of year. Might have to have a tea party of my own!
Carie! Absolutely!! If you do have a tea party, I’ll definitely be there! 😉 Happy Thursday my friend!